Sincerest apologies. I must have you know, if you're reading this page, you're one of the first people to arrive at this site.

I don't say that to make you feel special, or to puff up the importance of this experience. On the contrary, I feel bad that you may feel at this point that you've wasted your time. Truly, not my intention. It's late here, I've been chasing my 15 month old daughter around since 6 am this morning, and I simply must go to sleep...

...which means that I'm pausing the creation of this experience in the hopes that no one is reading this yet.

But since clearly it's possible that someone IS reading this now (you ARE aren't you?), I feel it's only courteous to take the extra effort to make sure you don't feel dropped off a cliff.

This ride isn't over, it's simply not finished yet. More to come soon...